As Rail Advisors to Worcestershire County Council, SLC Rail is delighted by the decision of the Council’s Planning and Regulatory Committee to grant planning permission for the new Worcestershire Parkway Railway Station.

The new station, sited just outside Worcester and serving both the Cotswold Line to London and the Birmingham to Bristol/Cardiff route, is identified as a key priority through the County’s Strategic Economic Plan, which aims to create 25,000 new jobs in Worcestershire by 2025 along with boosting GVA (Gross Value Added) by almost £3 billion.

The team at SLC Rail has worked with Worcestershire County Council to develop the business case, secure funding and develop the scheme through to a single design meeting rail industry standards. This included developing timetable proposals and innovative commercial agreements with the rail industry and Department for Transport.

SLC Rail will be managing the project through to its opening in 2017.

For more information please see our Worcestershire Parkway project profile or contact us.