Supporting projects interfacing with the railway

We will help you navigate the challenges that go with the development and construction projects that interface with the railway.

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If your project is on former railway land or adjacent to railway land, then there will be an interface with Network Rail. They will assess the potential impact on the railway and its infrastructure, which often will require a formal agreement and submission of specific documents for their approval. This could be anything from bridge renewals, housing and commercial developments and other major infrastructure work. Our experts at SLC Rail and SLC Property have specialist railway knowledge, experience and expertise to help you to minimise risks to your project.

Contracts and commercial

With our rail background and in-house commercial experts, we’re well-placed to understand what you need for your railway interfacing project. We will help you negotiate preferable commercial terms, reducing your financial liability and reduce and eliminate unknown risk transfered through agreements.

Mitigate risk

Working with you, we will help to reduce the potential risk of your project or scheme being delayed or stopped because of your project interfacing with the railway.

Property specialists

Our property specialists can deliver a wide portfolio of land agreements between third parties, adjacent landowners and Network Rail. This includes negotiating ‘shared value’ settlements, where you require rights over railway land or looking to release restricted covenants. We can also secure necessary planning and environment approvals for development projects, including new bridges, and arrange any ecological surveys required.

Engineering specialists

From our experience of delivering over 100 rail projects, we can provide construction reviews, sequencing & methodology to minimise the rail interface wherever possible. We can also provide specialist rail engineering roles such as Contractors Engineering manager (CEM) and Contractors Responsible Engineers (CREs).

Stakeholder engagement

With complex contractual relationships, conflicting priorities and diverse commercial incentives amongst project partners, effective stakeholder engagement is critical to successful delivery. Using our extensive range of rail contacts, we will help to ensure a seamless route to key decision-makers.

See how SLC Rail can help shape your rail project.

Get in touch to discuss your rail aspirations and project challenges.

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